Men of Valour

Liverpool Chapter

I am delighted and happy to present to you MEN OF VALOUR of Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries, MFM Men of Valour has been set up to achieve the following objectives:

  • Empower men spiritually because when men are spiritually empowered they can possess their possessions
  • Establish, recreate an array of men who will remake the world
    Empower men that will cause a change in the household of God and in the society.
  • Empower men that will live impactful lives.

The above will be achieved through seminars and workshops, prayer meetings, deliverance services, marriage seminars and other life impacting seminars, mini bible school, mini deliverance school etc. I therefore welcome you to be part of our new vision, MFM MEN OF VALOUR, for your spiritual and physical empowerment.

Thank you and God bless you.

Dr. D.K. Olukoya
General Overseer, Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries Worldwide

About the foundation

This mission seeks to change the lives of men by making them discover themselves, bringing them closer to God, and encouraging them to become men of integrity, who will make a significant and beneficial impact in the lives of their children, spouses, families, in society and in all facets of life.

A MAN OF VALOUR can be defined as the total man who has discovered himself and has known God by revelation. A man of Valour therefore, differs from other men by possessing some peculiar qualities:

  • A man who knows God.
  • A man who loves God and others
  • A man who fears God
  • A man who trusts God in all things
  • A man of exceptional courage
  • A man of integrity
  • A man of strength
  • A man who is faithful
  • A man of peace
  • A man who protects others
  • A man of honour
  • A man of his words etc
The following are the functions of the MFM Liverpool Women Foundation:

To change lives of men by making them to discover themselves, bringing them closer to God, encouraging them to become men of integrity, who will make significant and beneficial impact in the lives of their children, spouses, families, in the society and in all facets of life.

The mission seeks to see Christian men financially and economically buoyant, putting them at the center of the economy and bringing dignity to the family.

The mission seeks to empower men to cause changes in their lives, families, household of God and in the society. It seeks to empower men that will live impactful lives.

We strive to fulfill our mission and vision by commitment to be:
For men to discover themselves, to recover their lost glory and be repositioned to fulfill their divine destiny (Ezekiel 36:26)
Our entire team wants to see a world where every youngster struggling in any way feels able to reach out and has people who’ll help them with education, jobs, and more. We want to spread out in every region so we’ll be reachable to all.

MFM Liverpool Men of Valour Gallery

Foundation Membership

This mission seeks to change the lives of men by making them discover themselves, bringing them closer to God, and encouraging them to become men of integrity, who will make a significant and beneficial impact in the lives of their children, spouses, families, in society and in all facets of life.

Church Leadership

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